Reluctant Polygamist Limited Edition

RP_CoverReluctant Polygamist, the book that grew out of the Faithful Joseph series posted here in 2014, will be available via later this week. The Amazon price will be $14.95 + S/H.

To kick this off, I am offering a limited edition of autographed, numbered copies for $10 each, to cover costs and handling. The offer is only valid through Monday, April 11, at 11:59 pm MDT, or until 500 books have been requested, whichever occurs earlier.

Each limited edition comes with a personalized pdf excerpt (sent via mail), the signed book, and certificate.

The first twenty-five copies will be raffled off among those signing up by Saturday, April 9, at 11:59 pm MDT. The winners of the raffle will not be invoiced for their copies.

To sign up for the autographed limited edition, click on the SurveyMonkey logo or paste this URL into your browser:

Why buy the book?

It’s true you can just read the old posts. But a book is tangible, works even when the internet crashes, and can be marked up.

In addition, the 2014 series increased my knowledge of the subject. Some of what I wrote in 2014 has been deprecated by later research. The midrash segments have been replaced with solid data. And I had the chance to bounce this off various scholars in the interim, many of whom had better things to do in 2014 than read blogs and make public comments. We do not always agree on interpretations, but the exchange of data has been incredibly valuable.

What is a “personalized excerpt” ?

This post contains a link to a general excerpt, with just a few pages. Your personalized excerpt will be marked on every facing page, so you can pass it on with pride to anyone you’d like to share the book with. Your personalized excerpt will include the first nine chapters, the last chapter, and all the end matter (appendices, glossary, end notes, index).

How does this raffle work?

On Monday morning I will collect all the limited release submissions, then will use Excel to select 25 numbers at random from the total number of submissions. I’ll announce the winners here, and you will not receive an invoice for the copy you won in the raffle. So if you only asked for one book, that book is free. If you asked for 3 books and you won two raffle “tickets,” then you get three books for the price of one.

How will I pay?

Paypal is preferred – I’ll send a paypal invoice Monday evening to the e-mail address you specify. In that invoice I’ll include the address you can use to send a check, if you prefer that.

When will I get the book?

I’ll be sending out the personalized pdfs through April 15. After that I will sign and mail the books for which I have received payment, starting with the earliest submissions. I’ll note in the invoice which copy you will receive, and will post in the comments which copies I have sent out each day.

What if I just want to buy the book, without waiting for a limited edition, numbered, autographed copy?

As soon as the book goes live on Amazon, you may go ahead and purchase it direct via that channel, either as a Kindle book ($7.99) or in hard copy ($14.95). The book just won’t be numbered, and you’d only be able to get it autographed if you attend an event where I have a book signing. I’ll be at the Mother Earth News Fairs signing books, but I’m sure they’d prefer that you buy the Aquaponic Gardening book…

Can I take a look at the book before committing to ordering a limited edition copy?

Sure – you can view the excerpt by clicking on the image below.

RP Cover

Hey, I heard there was a scholar that said something that makes your book wrong.

Could be. But all of the scholarly information I am aware of, including the recent presentation made by Professor Andrea Radke-Moss, is addressed in the book. Feel free to send me the criticisms or have the scholar contact me. The final page of the excerpt above talks about how to contact me. I can’t be corrected if I don’t know what additional facts they or you are using to justify a certainty that I am wrong.

But what if I am person #501 – is there any way I can get a limited edition copy?

If your submission comes in after #500, then I’ll put you on a waiting list. If someone backs out, the copy will be available to you, on a first come, first served basis. In the event that there are at least 500 submissions by Saturday pm, only the first 500 submissions will be eligible for the raffle.

12 thoughts on “Reluctant Polygamist Limited Edition

  1. Absolutely. I’ve allotted a budget for covering this that allows those cases where “cost” is higher than $10. Not your problem that I live on the other side of the pond.

  2. Great! Thanks, Meg. I’ve requested a copy. Looking forward to reading it. I enjoyed your faithful Joseph posts.

  3. Thanks to all who requested a limited edition copy so far –

    The number requesting a copy before the Saturday cut off came in right at 25, so everyone in that group will get their copy without need to pay. Since there isn’t a need to do the raffle to determine who gets a copy, folks will just get a copy in the order that they requested it.

    Funniest dedication requested is from a sibling, who asked that I inscribe the book “Mom always did like you better…”

    Another interesting thing happened today – I made a comment in Relief Society about Jane Manning, who made the choice to not be sealed to Joseph and Emma. A sister visiting the ward had slightly misunderstood what I said, but it prompted her to approach me, as her son, newly back from a mission, has recently gotten a head full of “Joseph is a perv” lit, My comment gave her hope that maybe I knew something that could help her help her son. I hope her prayers will have been answered.

    I suspect we have many around us who are hurting, and just don’t know where to look to find help. I hope those of you who have found peace by my complicated exploration of my ancestors and their friends will let others know there is, at least, an alternate view they might want to consider.

  4. Meg, the Kindle version on Amazon is listed at $.99. Is that correct? It doesn’t say ARC. So I assume that is the final version.

    I see the paperback edition for $14.95, but there is no link to “see all editions” that most books have to “connect” between the paperback, kindl, and hardback versions.

  5. So here’s the secret –

    I haven’t uploaded the kindle version of the new book. When I do, that book will be $7.99.

    At the same time, I will update the kindle version of the ARC to be the new book. At that point I will also update that book to be $7.99, but anyone who had bought the ARC at $0.99 will be able to update to the new book free of charge.

    Anyone who wants to go buy the old kindle version for $0.99 to save $7 will just have to do so before I get around to effecting these changes (likely tonight).

    There isn’t a hardback version of the book, though there could be one in the future if people really want one.

  6. If you have the ARC on Kindle, then you can just go ahead and update it because I’ve uploaded the final version to Amazon, replacing the ARC.

    Search to find out the process for updating a Kindle book. I know it can be done but I don’t do it often so don’t recall the exact steps.

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